work and money luck | Tiger's Eye /


Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye

* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production South Africa, Namibia, China, USA, etc
color Yellow, brown
hardness 6.5~7
composition Na2(Fe,Mg)3Fe2Si8O22(OH)2

the meanings of the stones

Enhances money and career luck and nurtures perceptiveness and ability to judge.


This stone is made up of hardened silicate of fibrous crystals of an amphibole known as‘riebeckite.' The fibers are classified as crocidolite asbestos (blue asbestos). While asbestos have a dangerous image, the hardened silicate of the fibers means there is absolutely no harm to the human body. The type of stone with disordered curly fibers is called‘Pietersite.' If you cut the stone it will emit chatoyance through lighting (an effect of light that makes the stone look like a cat's eye). Depending on the color, sometimes it may look like a tiger's eye, and hence the name of the stone.


It is said this stone was revered in ancient Egypt as a holy stone that brought good fortune.


Sun bathing,Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster,Washing under flowing water,
Smoking with incense


Blue crocidolite becomes the Blue Tiger's Eye (or Hawk's Eye), oxidized crocidolite becomes the Yellow Tiger's Eye, while heated and continuously oxidized crocidolite becomes the Red Tiger's Eye.