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Sun stone

Sun stone

* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production India, USA, Canada, Greece
color Yellow, orange, reddish orange
hardness 6~6.5
composition (Na,Ca)AI(AI,SI)Si2O8

the meanings of the stones

Brings out hidden strengths and provides opportunities to meet someone special.


As the name suggests, this stone represents the sun or light. Some sunstones come with glittering lame (interwoven metal parts). Incidentally, this is a type of iron mineral called‘lepidocrocite.' The glittering look is known as ‘aventurescence effect.'


The sunstone was named as a counterpart of the moonstone, both being similar stones in the feldspar group. The sunstone is also known as heliolite, meaning‘shiny copper color.' In ancient Greece the stone was seen as a symbol of the Sun God and used as an amulet stone. It was also used in celebrations among the people of ancient India and Canada. The stone has been greatly valued as a strong power stone related to the sun. It is a bright stone that can brighten up the dark winter mood.


Sun bathing,Moonlight bathing, Placing on stone cluster,Placing on stone cluster