scholastic performance and examination results, communication | Sodalite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Canada, Brazil, South Africa, etc.
color Blue, navy blue, gray
hardness 5.5~6
composition Na8Cl2(Al6Si6O24)

the meanings of the stones

Attracts prosperity and success, offers calmness and clarity, and pacifies feelings of hate.


This stone has been known since the days before Christ, along with lapis lazuli and azurite. It has sometimes been used in jewelry and accessories as a replacement of lapis lazuli. This stone is said to have been commonly used by people with high ranks - such as royalty and priests - in ancient Egypt as a talisman to ward off evil spirits and protect themselves from evil.


It is said that the Ten Commandments Moses received from God were carved onto a sapphire stone. It has been valued as a sacred stone by the popes and royal families of Europe.


Sun bathing, Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster,Smoking with incense, Washing under flowing water


Avoid use over long periods of time during sunbathing.