good fortune with having children, safe delivery, and harmony of marriage, communication | Prehnite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Australia, South Africa, USA
color Pale green to dark green, yellow, gray, white, colorless
hardness 6~6.5
composition Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2

the meanings of the stones

Maintains a balance between sensibility and emotions and cultivates patience.


This type of stone is often found in a shape of a bunch of grapes or stalactite. It has a vitreous luster and comes in various colors, including pale green, yellow, and white.


Named after Colonel Van Prehn, a Dutch mineralogist who discovered the stone. Due to the fact that many Prehnite stones mined in Japan look like bunches of grapes, the stone is also called‘grape stone.' Prehnites also come in coral and other shapes.


Washing under flowing water, Placing on stone cluster