good fortune with having children, safe delivery, and harmony of marriage | Peridot /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Afghanistan, Brazil, Sri Lanka, etc
color Muscat green
hardness 6.5~7
composition (Mg,Fe)2SiO4

the meanings of the stones

Provides sagacity and eliminates fear.


This stone has been known as a symbol of the Sun God and light of hope.


Peridot was discovered on St. John's Island in the Red Sea. As the island was once also known as Topazion, the stone was also called topazos and later given its current name. It was revered as a symbol of the Sun God by ancient Egyptian dynasties. The peridot is one of the major elements that make up the mantle, the top layer of the earth's crust.


Sun bathing,Moonlight bathing, Placing on stone cluster,Washing under flowing water
,Smoking with incense