good fortune with having children, safe delivery, and harmony of marriage | Pearl /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Japan, etc.
color White, cream, silver, yellow, pink, black, with pearl gloss.
hardness 3
composition CaCO3+etc

the meanings of the stones

Provides good fortune with having children and safe delivery, has strong power to protect you from evil spirits, and nurtures chastity and motherliness.


Being naturally cultivated inside the‘pearl sack' made from the mantle (soft shell tissue) when a foreign particle enters a shell that wraps around the object at its core, pearls are well known for having strong power to protect, and works as a talisman for fertility and safe delivery. Pearls are formed from alternating layers of conchiolin, a type of scleroprotein, and the aragonite of the shell's calcium carbonate when they come to contact. Freshwater pearls are pearls created inside freshwater shells. The name comes from the Latin word perna (a kind of soletellina diphos)


It is said that pearls were known to ancient Egypt since around 3200 B.C. (but not valued as gemstone until much later). Cleopatra was known to have dissolved pearls in vinegar and drank it. Since the 13th century, pearls began being cultured in China and other places; in Japan, where mass production was difficult, Kokichi Mikimoto successfully managed to achieve the first commercial cultured of the half pearl, the Akoya pearl.


Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster


Legend has it that when Venus (Aphrodite), the Goddess of Love, was born out of the bubbles of the ocean, the water drops falling from her body became pearls. There is also the legend that pearls were the tears of mermaids.