work and money luck | Lepidolite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Brazil, USA, Afghanistan, Madagascar
color Pink, reddish purple, ash purple
hardness 2.5~4.0
composition K(Li,Al)3(AlSi3O10)(OH,F)2

the meanings of the stones

Helps you overcome difficulties, challenge new things, and think positively and imaginatively.


This is a type of mica found together with Tourmaline (particularly the pink type), spodumene, quartz and many other types of stones. Also known as ‘lithium mica' for the rich content of lithium.


Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster


Over exposure to sunlight may cause the stone color to fade. Mica stones, which belong to the lepidolite group, are made up of many thin and easily separable layers, known in Japan as senmai hagashi, meaning‘separable thousand layers.'