work and money luck | Labradorite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Madagascar, Finland, Canada
color Colorless, pink, orange, yellow, blue-green, blue-gray, black
hardness 6~7
composition (Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4O8

the meanings of the stones

Helps you keep the faith, improves biased thinking and cultivates patience and endurance.


This stone may appear dull at first sight, but depending on the angle of lighting, it is not unseal to see it emit vibrantly beautiful rainbow colors with a mixture of blue, green, yellow, orange, and so forth. This rainbow brilliance is also known as‘labradorescence,' an effect caused by the interaction of light.


Named after the fact that it was discovered along the Labrador coastline of St. Paul's Island in Canada in 1770.


Moonlight bathing, Smoking with incense


If cleaning under flowing water, keep it short and immediately dry with a soft cloth.