scholastic performance and examination results | Iolite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production India, Sri Lanka, Brazil
color Blue
hardness 7~7.5
composition (Mg.Fe2+)2(Al2Si)[Al2Si4O18]

the meanings of the stones

Guides you to the right path and direction toward your goal and prompts psychological independence.


Being found at riverbeds and closely resembling sapphire, this stone is also thus called‘water sapphire.' It is tri-color stone with translucency that can appear differently depending on the angle when held against light.


Known as cordierite in mineralogy, the iolite was so named after the French geologist P. L. A. Corider, who studied the stone. The name iolite itself comes from the Greek words ion, meaning‘purple' and lithos, meaning‘stone.' When the Vikings went to sea they would bring this stone with them; as the stone changes color in the sun, the Vikings would turn the stone under the sun for the calculation of the compass direction. Hence, it is also known as water sapphire. We get stocks of iolite beads and other items but in limited quantity only.
You may be lucky if you find some.


Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster,Washing under flowing water,Smoking with incense


Avoid long exposure to ultraviolet rays as it may cause the stone to change color.