scholastic performance and examination results | Fluorite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Germany, Switzerland, Italy, USA, UK, China, Japan, etc.
color Green, blue, purple, yellow, pink, etc.
hardness 4
composition CaF2

the meanings of the stones

Prevents emotions from agitating and increases concentration and the ability to analyze.


The color is believed to be due to the small amounts of rare earth elements contained in the stone. The name fluorite comes from the fact that the stone can turn a fluorescent green when heated (avoid heating the stone however, as doing so may cause the stone to explode). A few types are characteristic in that they emit a fluorescent green when exposed to black light.


Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster,Smoking with incense,Washing under flowing water


The name fluorite led to the coining of the term fluorescence, denoting the phenomenon where the stone would glow when exposed to ultraviolet ray, as was the case when blue fluorite was first discovered. The name comes from the Latin word fluere, meaning ‘flow' and blue fluorites with purple, white or yellow lines are called Blue John, which are very expensive but can also be easily damaged.