communication | Calcite /



area of production USA, Mexico, Norway, UK, France
color Colorless, white, gray, yellow, green, blue, pink, etc.
hardness 3
composition CaCO3

the meanings of the stones

Presents success and prosperity, and helps you think and act positively.


Pure calcites are colorless, but if they contain iron they become yellow and if they contain manganese they turn pink. This is a colorful mineral that also comes in other colors, such as gray, green, and blue. In addition, limestones and marbles are masses of granular crystals of calcite. Due to the high refractivity, when seeing things through a calcite you see double images.


In ancient Greece and Rome people used aggregated granular calcites — the marble — for sculptures as building material. In China, calcite was used in powder form as healing medicine.


Smoking with incense,Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster


Only transparent varieties can be used when sunbathing. We advise avoiding cleansing using water or salt.