communication | Aragonite /




* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production USA, Spain, China
color White, brown, light purple, yellow, orange (yellow or orange are popular colors in Japan)
hardness 3.5~4
composition CaCO3

the meanings of the stones

Increases sociability and thoughtfulness; helps make thinking more flexible and positive.


This stone is made from crystals of uneven bean shapes, coral-like shapes, or small rounded shapes. The small rounded shapes are called arare (meaning' hail') in Japanese, hence the name arare stone in Japanese. It has a candy-like appearance resembling butter candy. This is the stone which you will find often available at ANAHITA stores in tumbled form that is known as amulet stones.


Aragonite was named after the first place it was found, in Aragon, Spain. Around 4000 BC, the Sumerians of Mesopotamia used cylinders made from the stone as a seal, by carving designs onto it and used it to seal letters written in cuneiform characters. It has been greatly valued since ancient times.


Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster,Placing on stone cluster


Relatively soft. It may discolor due to contact with water and other elements.