January birthstone  : Garnet /

Stone Search: by wish



* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production India, Brazil, Africa, and other parts of the world
color Red, orange, brown, red-purple, green, etc.
composition Fe3Al2(SiO4)3

the meanings of the stones

Helps your efforts bear fruit, leads you to success and victory and gain trust.


Garnet is a name given to the group of silicate minerals with a common chemical composition. The name derives from granatus, a Latin word meaning‘seed'. According to the difference in components, there are 14 types of garnet, such as almandine, pyrope, and grossularite.


Known as the burning coal (karubulks) since ancient times, garnet stones have been used to protect people and applied as effective therapeutic medicine. Said to be the oldest of all gemstones, garnet stones have been used as jewelry items and were used to decorate the windows and other items in temples and churches in ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece. It is said that the holder of a garnet stone will be promised unchanging love and whose chastity and fidelity will be protected. In the legend of Noah's Ark, a garnet lantern was used to light the dark.


Moonlight bathing,Washing under flowing water,Placing on stone cluster,Smoking with incense