February birthstone March stone : Amethyst /

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* Image indicates the representative color of this stone.

area of production Japan, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Africa, etc
color Purple
hardness 7
composition SiO2

the meanings of the stones

Provides truth love, deepens friendship and love relationship, furthers your imagination and comprehension abilities.


The stones found in Brazil have a pale color, while those found in Uruguay often have a deeper color.


The name comes from the Greek word amethystos, meaning ‘calm.' In Greek mythology, when Dionysus, the God of Wine, was smitten by a young maiden named Amethystos on his way to visit the Moon Goddess Artemis. To protect the maiden, Artemis turned her into a white stone. Deeply feeling remorse and beginning to cry, Dionysus' tears — which were of wine — stained the white statue of the maiden, turning it into a beautiful purple gemstone. The name amethyst comes from the maiden's name. In Japan, this purple color is the highest ranking of the 12 levels of colors established by Prince Shotoku.


Moonlight bathing,Placing on stone cluster,Smoking with incense


Avoid long exposure to ultraviolet rays as it may cause the stone to change color.